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Each Board & Train program offered requires a $100.00 evaluation to determine your dog’s baseline and appropriate program. Each evaluation will consist of a number of different actions and commands to note your dog’s current level of obedience and to determine if any behavior modification is needed. After a program is selected, the $100 fee will go toward the cost of your selected program. Please note, an evaluation is NOT a guarantee that a specific program will meet the needs of you or your dog.


During the evaluation your dog will be asked to perform tasks such as sit, stay, come, place, have their leash manners tested, be exposed to separation, noises, and another dog, test their reactivity toward different objects/experiences, etc. This evaluation will help to create the goals needed to be successful in the chosen program. 

Board and Train Program's

training and obedience programs

8 Day Puppy Obedience Introduction is for puppies at least 4-months old and no more than 6 months old. This is a great option for puppy owners wanting to have a well-behaved, balanced, and happy dog. This program does not use an E-Collar for training and all training takes place while on a leash.


During your puppy’s stay, Jessica provides focused, one-on-one attention to immerse your puppy in a 24/7 intensive training routine that includes daily doses of structure, rules, limits, socialization, and supervised play with exposure to real outside life situations always while on-leash.


During this program, your puppy will begin to learn basic obedience commands such as:​

  • sit

  • lay down

  • introduction to the leash

  • intro to recall using the command "come"

  • threshold manners (waiting for food, waiting at doors, in/out of vehicles)

  • structured socialization

  • desensitization


Ten-Day Board and Train Introduction is for puppies at least 4-months old. This is a great option for puppy owners wanting to have a well-behaved, balanced, and happy dog. Jessica builds a solid foundation with your puppy to then teach you how to maintain the training. This will ensure your new pup has a great start to be on his or her way to becoming the dog you always dreamed of owning.


During your puppy’s stay, Jessica provides focused, one-on-one attention to immerse your puppy in a 24/7 intensive training routine that includes daily doses of structure, rules, limits, socialization, and supervised play with exposure to real outside life situations always while on-leash. During this program, your puppy will begin to learn basic obedience commands:

  • Intro to walking politely on leash

  • sit

  • lay down

  • recall using the command "come"

  • introduction to threshold manners (waiting for food, waiting at doors, in/out of vehicles)

  • introduction to place (go to your bed)

  • Self Soothing and regulation


This program also includes a 30-minute going home session where Jessica transfers all the information, techniques, and strategies for you to take home to ensure continued success, a 30- minute follow up session within 4-6 weeks of finishing he program, as well as phone and e-mail support during and after the program is completed for the life of your dog. 


Two-Week Board and Train is for puppies and  at least six-months old. This is a great option for puppy owners wanting to have a well-behaved, balanced, and happy dog. Jessica builds a solid foundation with your pup to then teach you how to maintain the training. This will ensure that your new pup does well on his or her way to becoming the dog you always dreamed of owning. Your dog will be introduced and conditioned to the Educator 900 E-Collar for this program.


During your pup’s stay, Jessica provides focused, one-on-one attention to immerse your puppy in a 24/7 intensive training routine that includes daily doses of structure, rules, boundaries, socialization, self regulation, and supervised polite socialization with exposure to real outside life situations while on-leash and working toward the goal of off-leash training. During this program, your pup will begin to learn basic obedience commands including but not limited to:

  • walking politely on leash

  • sit/down

  • release command

  • recall using the command "come"

  • crate training

  • threshold Waits (waiting for food, waiting at doors, in/out of vehicles)

  • Introduction to place (go to your bed)

  • extinguish behaviors such as: jumping, mouthing, counter surfing, bolting

  • treadmill work (Specifically designed for dogs)


This program also includes: Updates, pictures, and videos. A 60-minute transfer session upon completion of the program where Jessica will provide you with a manual, and transfer all the information, techniques, and strategies taught to your pup for you to continue to maintain the pup's training. A one hour follow up session 4-6 weeks following the completion of the program to ensure continued success. Also included is phone and e-mail support for the lifetime of your dog. Weekly socialization, exercise and maintaining of your dog's training is also offered at an extra rate as needed.

Behavior Modification Program

behavior modification 

Five Day Off-Leash Recall Intensive Board and Training Program is where Jessica provides intensive leadership training. This program also includes a 30-minute transfer session where Jessica transfers all the information, techniques, and strategies for you to take home to ensure continued success, along with phone and e-mail support during and after the program is completed for the life of your dog. Please note, your dog must be fully crate trained, not exhibit any separation anxiety, know basic obedience skills, and not exhibit any severe behavioral issues.  


Four to Eight-Week Behavioral Modification Program is designed for all forms of behavioral issues, including but not limited to:

  • dog reactivity

  • food/resource guarding

  • separation anxiety

  • severe fear responses

  • severe leash reactivity


During your dog’s stay, Jessica provides focused one-on-one attention to immerse your dog in a 24/7 intensive training routine which includes daily doses of structure, limits, rules, socialization, and supervised play. Your dog will live in Jessica’s family home with her family of veteran dogs that will model well-mannered behavior, as well as being exposed to typical life situations. Specific behavioral needs will be met as your dog is introduced and conditioned to only LOW level of E-Collar stimulation to learn basic obedience commands of “come, sit-stay, down-stay,” place directives such as “go to your bed,” heeling, crate training, treadmill exercise, leash manners, and threshold commands. This program includes a 60-minute mid-training session, and a 60-minute going home session where Jessica will transfer all the information, techniques, and strategies, and a 60 minute follow up session 4 weeks after completion to ensure continued success, as well as phone and e-mail support during and after completion of the program for the life of your dog.

Pack Hikes and Outdoor Adventures

pack hikes and outdoor adventures

Even as a life-long dog lover and owner, Jessica understands how challenging it can be to make sure your dog gets regular and proper exercise. With our lives so busy with work, family, and other obligations, fulfilling our dog’s need for regular and proper exercise can be a challenge. Allowing your dog to have off-leash freedom (unless requested by an owner to remain on-leash) creates a happy and healthy dog, coupled with the key social component of being socialized with a pack of other dogs provides your dog a chance to bond and build trust with both dogs and humans.


Your dog will have the best time hiking and receiving much needed additional structure to maintain their obedience training during the day. Pack hikes (depending on the weather) and Outdoor Adventures are the perfect outlet for dogs and gives owners the peace of mind knowing how beneficial this is for their dog’s health and well-being.


This service runs Monday through Friday, and begins with a one-day trial before making the minimum one-month, one-day per week commitment. Drop-off is in Northeast Bellevue between 9:00 and 10:00 am and pick-up is between 3:30 and 4:30 pm at the same location. In some cases, Jessica will accommodate a personalized time for drop-off and pick-up. Please indicate if this is a need of yours. Jessica also provides a pick-up and drop-off option within four miles of her home for an additional charge of $15.00 each way and a total of $30.00 for both pick-up and drop-off. Pick-up times range from 10:15 to 11:15 am and 2:30 to 3:30 pm for drop-off, depending on the day of the week. Please keep in mind that these times may vary.


This program is only available for dogs that have been through Jessica’s training program and have mastered recall, threshold waits, and are not aggressive or display any behavioral issues.

Virtual Training Sessions

virtual training sessions

Whether you have a specific issue with your dog that you are struggling with or just need some basic training guidance but are unable to meet in person, Jessica offers a fifteen-minute incremented virtual training option via Zoom.

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